Aesthetic surgery can be a big step towards enhancing your self confidence. However, it’s important to remember that cosmetic procedures like rhinoplasty are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Therefore, identifying the unique beauty standards and facial features among different ethnic groups is essential.

A successful thick skin rhinoplasty enhances your natural nasal features. It also respects your cultural background and individual aesthetic goals. Our acclaimed surgeons at Aslı Tarcan clinic have years of clinical expertise. They will help you navigate this common yet delicate process of nose reshaping.

What Is Thick Skin Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a popular surgery aimed to reshape the nose for functional or cosmetic purposes. For people with thick nose skin, there can be technical difficulties during and after the procedure. Therefore, rhinoplasty on thick skin has been modified in order to get perfect results.

Thick Skin Rhinoplasty
Nasal Thick Skin

Do I Have Thick Skin?

A simple trick to assess the nose thickness is to gently pinch the skin on your nose with your thumb and forefinger.

  • If you can easily pinch and roll it between your fingers, it means you have thin nose skin.
  • If it is challenging, it probably means you have a thick skin nose which is difficult to manoeuvre with your fingers.
  • Another way is to look and observe people. You will notice people with thin skinned noses have clear features such as bump, ridge and shadows.
  • A thick nose skin appears round, bulky and less defined.

Clinical Significance of Nasal Anatomy

The thick nasal skin, overlying the bony and cartilaginous framework, is often concealing the features due to the layer of fat beneath it. It makes the nose look bulky and undefined, creating difficulty for the surgeon and patient to set realistic expectations.

Ethnic groups may have specific features which set them apart from the rest of the patients. They require extra mindfulness for their surgery to achieve superb results while maintaining their unique characteristics. Apart from the thick skin, they may have:

  • Africans – Wider noses with broad base
  • Asians – Wider and shorter noses with flatter bridge
  • Caucasians – Longer and narrower noses with prominent bridges
What Makes Nasal Skin Thick

What Factors Influence Thickness of Nasal Skin?

Multiple factors determine the thickness of nasal skin. These key points should be kept in mind as they play an important role in the thick skin nasal surgery.


Genetics play a pivotal role in determining thickness of skin. People with different ethnicities have different types of skin. For example people of Middle East, South East Asia and African descent have thick nose skin.

It emphasizes the importance of addressing individual genetic features while planning nose surgery.


With increasing age, the skin loses elasticity due to decreased production of collagen and elastin. Moreover, the skin loses thickness as well which can pose challenges as smooth folding may not be possible influencing final surgical outcome.

Sunlight Exposure

Prolonged exposure to Ultraviolet radiations (UV) can damage skin. This leads to thin skin, vulnerable to wrinkles and sagging.


Any scar due to previous surgery, trauma, injury or skin condition can affect the rhinoplasty technique. Scars have different texture and thickness as compared to surrounding skin, making the surgical process more complex.

Who is An Ideal Candidate For Thick Skin Rhinoplasty?

You can be an ideal candidate for thick skin rhinoplasty if you have the below mentioned characteristics:

  • Thick skin on nose
  • Thick rounded nose tip
  • Bump on bridge of nose
  • Age above 18 years
  • No medical condition such as diabetes, heart disease, bleeding disorder etc.

During consultation before the procedure, your skin thickness will be measured using a skin pinch test.

Note:- Nasal skin of thickness of more than 0.9mm is considered thick skin.

What Are The Benefits Of Thick Skin Rhinoplasty?

Thick skin rhinoplasty can help you regain your confidence, nonetheless it comes with challenges of its own. Therefore, before deciding to undergo this procedure, you just weigh the benefits.

  • Cosmetic Enhancement: A successful rhinoplasty can help you enhance your facial appearance with a narrow nasal bridge and a well defined nasal tip.
  • Functional Improvement: If you suffer with a crooked nose and having difficulty in breathing, thick skin rhinoplasty can improve your breathing.
  • Preserved Ethnicity: Our expert surgeons at Aslı Tarcan put extra effort to preserve natural features with regards to the ethnicity of our patients.

How Is Thick Skin Rhinoplasty Performed?

While the surgical technique is unique to each patient owing to the individual’s characteristics, the core process is the same. This procedure is called “Structural Rhinoplasty” as additional cartilage is used to make the nose more defined. There are two types of techniques used: open and closed. Here we will discuss Open Rhinoplasty:

  1. Incision: The surgeon makes a small cut at the base between the nostrils.
  2. Stretching Thick Skin: The skin is stretched to make it thin.
  3. Fat Removal: A layer of fat is removed to reduce tip size and width of nostrils.
  4. Additional Cartilage: If needed, cartilage may be added for strength or tip elongation, to make the nose look more defined.
  5. Suturing: Sutures can help to reshape the cartilages for desirable results in thick skin nose patients.

Our surgeons at Aslı Tarcan are experts in thick skin rhinoplasty with years of experience under their belt. They ensure good results with patient satisfaction.

What Is The Healing Time of Thick Skin Rhinoplasty?

Thick skin rhinoplasty healing occurs in two stages:

First Stage Of Healing

The skin recovers speedily after the procedure, generally within five to seven days. This stage refers to healing from surgical injury and adjustments.

Second Stage Of Healing

The second stage refers to the delayed healing process which tests the actual patience of patients with thick nasal skin. This stage involves swelling of the tissue and final shaping of the nose.

Thick skin rhinoplasty swelling progression may decrease within three to six months but the final outcome may take up to a year.

What Are The Complications Of Thick Skin Rhinoplasty?

Like any surgery, this procedure also has some side effects. Apart from short term postoperative issues like bleeding and pain, the following specific complications may arise in the patients with thick skin:

  • Prolonged Swelling: Thick skin has the tendency to retain fluids contributing to pronounced swelling after the procedure.
  • Extended Recovery Time: The swelling also prolongs the recovery time for the patients from one to two years.
  • Delayed Final Result: Due to swelling the final look of the rhinoplasty may become difficult to appreciate which can be frustrating for the patients.
  • Extra Medications: Steroid injections may be used for minimizing thick skin rhinoplasty swelling. Also, analgesics are used for managing pain.

How To Optimize The Recovery After Thick Skin Rhinoplasty

For a smooth recovery process after thick skin rhinoplasty, careful planning is mandatory. Here are some valuable tips that help you achieve optimal results:

  • Hydration: Water helps to hydrate your skin and kick starts your thick skin rhinoplasty healing process.
  • Vitamin Supplements: Some vitamins such as vitamin C enhances collagen production and healing.
  • Rest: Sleep and rest prepares your body for healing and energy conservation.
  • Smoking: It is advisable to stop smoking before and after the procedure to adjust your body for optimal healing.
  • Hygiene: Trim your nasal hair and apply nasal spray for preventing any infection.

How Much Does Thick Skin Rhinoplasty Cost?

Different factors influence the cost of thick skin rhinoplasty such as surgeon, anesthesia, type of procedure and any underlying complication. However, Turkey is leading this industry with state of art technology and economical options.

Similarly, Aslı Tarcan Clinic provides you highly skilled surgeons and top quality patient care at an affordable price.

Below is a thick skin rhinoplasty price comparison among different countries:

CountryThick Skin Rhinoplasty Cost
Turkey$2,500 - $9,000
South Korea$3,000 - $15,000
Canada$8,000 - $20,000
UK$5,000 - $15,000
USA$7,000 - $15,000

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does thick skin rhinoplasty take to heal?

Almost 80-90% of the thick skin rhinoplasty swelling goes down in the initial few months, but for the remaining swelling and final shaping of the nose, it may take more than a year.

How does thick skin affect rhinoplasty?

Thick skin can be challenging for rhinoplasty due to structural complexities and prolonged healing time.

Is thick skin rhinoplasty more expensive?

Thick skin rhinoplasty is not more expensive than thin skin rhinoplasty.

Is thick skin good for male rhinoplasty?

Generally thick skin is not considered ideal for a rhinoplasty. However, expert surgeons can easily cope with this challenge and deliver desired results through customized solutions and extra care during surgery.

How do you fix thick skin on your nose?

Structural rhinoplasty can give noticeable cosmetic results for a thick skin patient. Cartilage grafting is the method used during this type of rhinoplasty, as it narrows appearance around the tip and bridge.

How do you know if your nose has thick skin?

The simplest way is to look in the mirror to see whether the edges of your nasal tip cartilages show through the skin. If you see them, you have thin skin. Otherwise, it is thick.

Why is my nose shiny after rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty usually activates sebaceous glands in your nose, which is a secret oil that keeps your nose moisturized. Thus, you feel a shiny nose post rhinoplasty.

What are signs of a big nose?

A wide nose usually has a low bridge, which causes the center of the nose to appear wider. Further nostrils may also flare outwards or have excessive tissue.