Nubian noses, commonly known as African noses or black noses, are a prevalent ethnic nose type among African races. The term ‘Nubian’ originates from the people of Nubia, with roots in the Nile valley region spanning across Egypt and Sudan. Black noses have distinct anatomical and morphological features that set them apart from other nose types.

In this article, we are going to have a thorough look at the African nasal features and their cultural significance.

Nubian Nose Ethnicity Celebrating Diversity Of Ethnic Noses

The Nubian Nose – A Symbol Of Heritage

Beauty comes in all variations and colors, and Nubian noses are a perfect example of it. African culture has successfully rejected the westernized beauty standards that favor thin, narrow, straight noses. Instead, these ethnicities embrace their natural, genetic nose types and take pride in them.

Nubian nose symbolizes authenticity, beauty, power, resilience and vigour. It is celebrated all across African ancestry as a sign of honoring heritage and cultural identity.

What Are The Common Features Of Nubian Noses?

Nubian noses have distinct nasal attributes unique to them. They usually appear wide with flared nostrils. Other features include:

What Are The Common Features Of Nubian Noses
  • Nose Bridge – Nubian nose has a typical low wide bridge that is more rounded and less defined. The bridge may be longer in some individuals.
  • Nose Base – Features a Wide base, giving the nose a horizontally expanded appearance.
  • Nose Tip – Typically rounded and less defined, often bulbous and thick. It gives a fuller, fleshy and undefined look to the nose overall.
  • Nose Projection – Nose projection is how far the tip is projected from the face. As noses in Africans are not sagittally lengthened in forward direction, nasal projection is very low.
  • Nostrils – Nares are often wide and flared outwards. West Africans are said to have the widest nostrils in the world. Whereas, North Africans have comparatively less wide nostrils.
  • Nasal Bones – Nasal bones are very strong among people of African ancestry, giving a more pronounced look to the face.
  • Columella – Columella is a skin tissue that connects the tip to the nose base and is present between nostrils. Columella appears thickened and prominent in Nubian nose type.
  • Overlying Nose Skin – Africans have thicker nasal skin covering the dorsum of the nose as compared with other ethnic noses. The nose also appears very oily because there are usually large amounts of sebaceous glands on overlying nose skin.
  • Nasal Profile – Side profile of the nose appears flat with less curvature to it. It may sometimes have a more convex appearance. The nose bridge may also have a slight hump or bump to it.

Common Misconceptions About The Nubian Nose

Some common misconceptions that prevails in society about Nubian noses are:

  • ‘Nubian nose is an aesthetic defect’:
    • Reality: Nubian nose is one of the most beautifully looking natural noses in the world. It adds to the beauty of the face with its softer appearance.
  • ‘Nubian nose is only present in Africans’:
  • ‘Nubian nose is a sign of impurity and mixed ancestry’:
    • Reality: Nubian nose is just a genetic variation and has nothing to do with impurity or inferiority in any way.
  • ‘Nubian nose is often subjected to racism and social discrimination’:
    • Reality: With more acceptance and tolerance in the world, each nose type is celebrated and treated equally.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Nubian nose compare to other African nose shapes?

West African noses are usually narrower, pointed and often less wide. However, East African noses tend to be tall, narrow with a defined nose tip. Similarly, South African noses are somewhat similar to Nubian noses which are wide, less defined, flat and bulbous.

Are there any famous individuals known for their Nubian nose?

Nubian noses are common among people of African descent. Some famously known individuals with Nubian noses are the former president of the USA Barack Obama, the movie actress Gabrielle Union and the famous singer, businesswoman Rihanna.

How is the Nubian nose perceived in different cultures?

Each culture has their own preferences and beauty standards. In the past, it was often subjected to racism in western societies. But nowadays it is perceived as a beautiful tapestry of mankind. It is embraced as one of the most beautiful features of heritage and cultural identity.

Does rhinoplasty work on African noses?

Yes, rhinoplasty works on black noses. Each Rhinoplasty is customized to meet the requirements native to each nose type. But, it is challenging to achieve desired results of rhinoplasty in Nubian type noses due to thick skin and flatter appearance.